I spent the last couple of weeks housesitting for my uncle about 20 minutes away from my apartment. While I was there, I saw a few listings on craigslist for free furniture right down the street from my apartment! What a bummer. However, on the very last day of watching my uncle's house, I happened to see some free, cushion-less patio furniture listed--and when I mapquested the lister's location, I was thrilled to see that it was only 6 minutes away!
To be honest, I drove there hoping to pick up one of the small tables they'd listed. But when I arrived, those tables were gone, and the patio furniture frames were so much nicer than I'd expected them to be. I started loading the pair of chairs into the Party Van, and then got talked into taking the loveseat as well, although I have no idea how I'll ever get all three to work on the tiny decks in our apartment. For now, the two chairs are stacked together, and then set across the top of the loveseat.
So now that you have an idea of what the bones look like, do you have any suggestions for what I should do with them? I don't want to give in and buy generic WalMart cushions that everyone else will have. I imagine my sister and I will have to cut some foam pads down to size, and then fit them with indoor-outdoor fabric. Will that work best? Should I try one of those laminated fabrics? Does anyone know if a crib mattress will fit the loveseat?? I'm so open to suggestions over here, it's unreal. Thanks, everyone!
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